Monday, December 29, 2008

Surgery update

Talked with Mari today. They went in for a cat scan and the doctor opted to hold off on the surgery until Wed. Kelly has had a drip from his nasal passage and the doctor feels that it is brain fluid leaking. They are seeing a ears, nose, and throat doctor to confirm. They will want to make sure they take care of this when they are putting the forehead bone back in. Pray for the doctors to have wisdom, and surgery to be successful. Kelly and Mari have been at the hospital a big portion of the day. Kelly is tired. Pray that Kelly gets rested up for the surgery. We serve a mighty God.
Mari also said she hasn't called lately because no news is good news. Kelly has continued to get stronger every day and is recovering amazingly. Pray for total provision. They had hoped to have the surgery this year so as not to have to meet the deductible for the new year.

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